Support in Pregnancy


Pregnancy comes with so much to consider, and your health and wellbeing are top priorities. With all the mixed messages about what to eat and which exercises are safe, it can be confusing to know what’s best.


We’re here to support you every step of the way! 


Maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy is important for you and your baby’s health.


Liv Life Liverpool is here to help you make informed choices and work toward a healthier future.  



We understand the unique challenges faced during pregnancy, and that’s why we’ve designed a Healthy Pregnancy service to support you with a whole-person approach.

Liv Life Liverpool provide weight loss and nutrition support for people in Liverpool who are : 
• Pregnant 
• BMI of over 25 
   (or 23 for South East Asian Adults ) 

How we support you

12 week one-to-one coaching

Pregnancy focussed groups

Guided healthy weight programme

Virtual support on the go

Together, we’ll create a structured, step-by-step approach to making lasting, positive, healthy changes during your pregnancy and beyond. 


What you’ll gain



We’re here to help you transform your life, through a variety of programmes and opportunities to find the best support for you. 

Enhanced Wellbeing

Experience a significant boost in both mental and physical wellbeing, with members reporting feeling healthier, happier, and more energised throughout their day. 

More Physical Activity 

94% of our participants increased their weekly physical activity by at least 30 minutes – an achievable, lasting lifestyle change that positively impacts fitness, mood, and energy levels. 

Positive Impact on Family 

A healthier you means a healthier family! Many of our members have inspired their loved ones to start their own wellness journeys, resulting in weight loss and healthier habits across the household. 

Let’s get you started


Our program is designed to support you not only in achieving your weight loss goals but also in creating lasting, positive changes in your overall lifestyle.  


With a helping hand from our team of coaches, with you every step of the way, you’ll be building a healthier foundation for yourself and those you care about.





Frequently asked questions...


What happens when I join? 

When you take the first step to join Liv Life Liverpool as a member, you will begin a 12-week programme based on your objectives – to lose weight and get more active.


You will be assigned a personal coach who will be with you every step of the way, with face to face or virtual coaching sessions that fit with your lifestyle. 

Is the service confidential? 

Yes, your data is accessed by your personal Liv Life Liverpool coaches and not shared with any third parties. 

I don’t have time to commit to a long-term plan. 

We work with you to understand your objectives and schedule one-to-one or group sessions with your personal coach over the phone, face to face or online that fit in with your schedule. 

I can’t follow diet plans, I have tried before and failed.  

Every individual weight loss journey is different; therefore, we tailor a plan that suits your lifestyle and that is sustainable in the long term.


We don’t advocate restrictive diets, instead we explore a back-to-basics approach that works by re-establishing your relationship with food to eat more of what’s good for you – with the odd treat for extra motivation. 

Stay connected


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through service co-design towards service launch